Data Privacy

In connection with the use of the app, personal data (hereinafter referred to as "data") will only be processed by us as necessary and for the purpose of providing a functional and user-friendly website, including its contents and the services offered there.

In accordance with Art. 4 No. 1. of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, i.e. the General Data Privacy Regulation (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR"), "processing" means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, recording, organisation, filing, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

With the following data privacy declaration, we inform you in particular about the type, scope, purpose, duration and legal basis of the processing of personal data, insofar as we decide either alone or jointly with others on the purposes and means of the processing. In addition, we inform you below about the third-party components we use for optimisation purposes and to increase the quality of use, insofar as third parties process data on their own responsibility.

Our data privacy declaration is structured as follows:

Information about us as the responsible party
Rights of users and data subjects
Information on data processing

I. Information about us as the responsible party

The responsible provider of this website in the sense of data privacy law is:

JN Films Ltd, 29 Branch Place, Unit A, Hutley Wharf, London, N1 5PW,; T. +44 207 83770 97; responsible for the processing of the collected data is JN Films Ltd (29 Branch Place, Unit A, Hutley Wharf, London, N1 5PW,, T. +44 207 83770 97).

The data privacy officer at the provider is:

JN Films Ltd

The data privacy officer can be reached at 29 Branch Place, Unit A, Hutley Wharf, London, N1 5PW,, T +44 207 83770 97.

II. Rights of users and data subjects

With regard to the data processing described in more detail below, users and data subjects have the right to

to confirmation as to whether data relating to them is being processed, to information on the data processed, to further information on the data processing and to copies of the data (cf. also Art. 15 DSGVO);
correction or completion of inaccurate or incomplete data (cf. also Art. 16 of the GDPR);
the immediate erasure of the data concerning them (cf. also Art. 17 of the GDPR), or, alternatively, where further processing is necessary in accordance with Art. 17(3) of the GDPR, restriction of processing in accordance with Art. 18 of the GDPR;
to receive the data concerning them and provided by them and to transfer this data to other providers/controllers (cf. also Art. 20 GDPR);
to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if they are of the opinion that the data concerning them is being processed by the provider in breach of data protection provisions (cf. also Art. 77 of the GDPR).
In addition, the provider is obliged to inform all recipients to whom data has been disclosed by the provider of any correction or deletion of data or restriction of processing that takes place on the basis of Articles 16, 17 (1), 18 DSGVO. However, this obligation does not apply if such notification is impossible or involves a disproportionate effort. Notwithstanding this, the user has a right to information about these recipients.

Likewise, according to Art. 21 DSGVO, users and data subjects have the right to object to the future processing of data concerning them, insofar as the data is processed by the provider in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. In particular, an objection to data processing for the purpose of direct advertising is permissible.

III. Information on data processing

Your data processed when using our website will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of the storage no longer applies, the deletion of the data does not conflict with any legal obligations to retain data and no other information on individual processing procedures is provided below.

Server data

For technical reasons, in particular to ensure a secure and stable Internet presence, data is transmitted by your Internet browser to us or to our web space provider. These so-called server log files include the type and version of your internet browser, the operating system, the website from which you accessed our website (referrer URL), the website(s) of our website that you visit, the date and time of the respective access as well as the IP address of the internet connection from which our website is used. The data collected in this way is temporarily stored, but not together with other data about you. This storage takes place on the legal basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Our legitimate interest lies in the improvement, stability, functionality and security of our website. The data is deleted again after seven days at the latest, unless further storage is required for evidence purposes. Otherwise, the data is exempt from deletion in whole or in part until final clarification of an incident.

Vuforia API & Services (PTC Inc.)

For the recognition of trigger images and the playback of videos, we use the Vuforia API, a service of PTC Inc. (Parametric Technology GmbH), Edisonstraße 8, 85716, Unterschleissheim, Germany, Commercial Register: HRB 93 462, Register Court: Munich Local Court, represented by: Holger Mengay-Eckstein, hereinafter referred to as "Vuforia".

The "Terms of Service" provided by Vuforia at contain further information on the use of Vuforia and on the data obtained by Vuforia.

In addition, Vuforia offers at

Vuforia also offers further information on the collection and use of data and on your rights and options for protecting your privacy.